Want our dogs to visit your school or organization? Please contact us using the contact form.
Whats the purpose of a dog demonstration?
Its fun, informative and a great way to spread a positive message. By drawing on parallels and similarities between youth and dogs, the message really hits home!
How long does a demonstration take?
Generally it would take about 45 minutes which includes question and answer period.
Where can it be held?
Any place, any venue that youth are involved in. Example: Detention centers, schools, probation, Camps etc
What does the dog demonstration entail?
- It entails specific disciplines that the dogs have been trained in for military purposes
- It educates youth in regards to different aspects of the discipline the dogs are trained in specific to military tactics.
- A break down of the training process (who, what, why, where and when).
- A puppy who is currently in training is usually part of the demonstration.
Who is it for?
- Generally speaking the K9 demonstration is geared towards youth in order to spread a positive message or for adults as an awareness segment in regards to the needs of youth today.
- Those agencies or organizations who deal with youth between the ages of 12-18.
- Youth themselves who are between the ages of 12-18
How much does it cost?
There is FREE of charge for the demonstration unless special arrangements have been made.
Who are these K9s?
These K9s are trained by Civil K9 for purpose of special ops, military or law enforcement agencies.
If you need more information please contact us. info@civilk9.org or call 519-836-9007